The time modern civilization is passing is riddled with disarray and anxiety. But this is also the time when we precisely know what is expected from us and so we should act accordingly.
As an ongoing and unyielding fight against the Corona Pandemic, our Government has rightfully extended COVID-19 Circuit Breaker until June 1, and every conceivable institute that provides education in any way requiring physical presence are told to shut their existing operation and advised to shift in complete Home-Based Learning. As our Education Minister Ong Ye Kung so rightfully said,
“HBL is a fall back when schools are suspended; it cannot be a prolonged substitute for school. It is better to let everyone have a break from this intense period.”
But it should be noted that the learning should never be stopped, and the educational institutes never press the ‘Shutdown’ button.
Though it is equally crucial for all the students from every discipline, the science students should know better to stop practicing, ever. Because no matter how good you think you might be, you are always on a slippery slope with subjects like Mathematics or Physics. As a student, you should never forget that if you leave them for long, you will find it extremely difficult when you start over. And it is always infinitely more difficult apprehending new concepts on your own if you are a science major, but in Singapore, some genuinely world-class tuition providers can work wonders even in Home-Based Learning by providing online tuition. So, if you are stuck at A-Level Physics, you shouldn’t be hesitating to seek help from one of the best and most Popular Physics Tuition Centers in Singapore.
But as Home-Based Learning is ultimately a new medium for students, there is the need for getting used to and knowing what is to expect. It requires hard work, honest preparation, and strong discipline at home to be successful in making the most out of your Home-Based Learning experience.
So, how exactly can you make the most out of your Home-Based Learning experience?
If you want to find out, please carry on reading.
An Environment that Enables Learning
There are 7 billion people in the world, and so there exist 7 billion types of home environments. But one thing must be shared among this ocean of uniqueness. Every student should have a place of his own designated only for his study. It doesn’t matter how he uses it – online or no online. This place can be his room if he stands in the correct social order, it can be the family dining table, the kitchen corner that is rarely used, or it just can be storeroom if he isn’t so lucky. The point here is that it is an absolute must for the students to have a designated place for studying.
After sorting that out, you need to make sure that necessary logistics correctly stuff you with the likes of enough space in the hard drive, steady-enough internet connection, the suggested textbooks and study materials, the useful stationeries, etc.
And it would be beneficial for making you concentrate and keeping the stress away if you follow the place organized for studying.
Managing Time:
During the social distancing or lock-down phase, no one is going anywhere or doing anything outside the house. So you might mistakenly be thinking that you have all the time in the world to finish everything you want to. But you would be so very wrong.
The good news is that most schools have prepared a schedule for Home-Based Learning, and as a student, all you need to do is to stick with it. And it is a proven fact that consistency and structure facilitate learning like no other things.
And I strongly suggest that, while you are keeping the world safe by staying at home, well-thought-out planning for the day will benefit you immensely. So, it would be best if you incorporated your regular study time with activities for fun and relaxation, little errands that mitigate daily household chores, some indoor games with the rest of the family, the exercises that can be done at home, etc. You will see then that the online learning schedule prepared by the schools will run along smoothly.
Be Realistic About Setting Objectives And Achieving Goals:
Home-Based learning is new not only for you but for the teachers as well. So, it’s only natural that the teachers will be somewhat nervous as you both are practicing a new method. While it is always commendable to have goals and objectives, you have to be realistic in this ‘New Normal’ we are getting used to.
So, set your goals conservatively so that you can achieve it. And I am always a firm believer in full disclosure to the other people who will be playing a pivotal role in helping you achieve your goal.
That means you should let your teachers know about what you would want to accomplish in your Home-Based Learning days. You can also make the members of your family a part of your journey.
Using the Online Sessions to Your Advantage:
The idea that I want you to understand is straightforward, but most students don’t pay any heed to it. It is a very dull version of the paradigm `you fail to plan; you plan to fail.` As I have mentioned earlier, all the educational institutes have a suitably structured schedule for ‘Home-Based Learning,’ and the plan would be made available to all participating students. That transpires that a student will fully be aware of the topics which will be discussed in the upcoming online session. So, all you need to do is to have the basics about the topics covered.
If the teacher will talk about Newtonian Mechanics, learn the laws of Newton’s in advance. You can also memorize things like acceleration, force, velocity etc. In actuality, you need to know what you don’t know and know what you are going to ask about the unknown. I can guarantee you that this practice will help you nail every online session you are going to take part in.
Get Rid of the Disruptions:
As a new human being, the things that can disrupt you are endless. The internet is full of them, and they can eat away valuable times when you should be helping yourself. So, while the Circuit Breaker Period lingers on and you have every reason to get bored, you have to muster the courage to get rid of disruptions. You can start by leaving your smartphone out of your reach while you study. This will go a long way to make you free from all the procrastinating you usually do.
I can go on and point out about many other things that will help you make the most out of your Home-Based Learning experience, but I believe the above mentioned are the most obvious.
So get them sorted and make every second of your staying home count.