Compare Your Annual Income 2015


We have updated our most popular income comparison tool on

This is the 2015 version of our Compare Annual Income tool. It uses the latest data from IRAS’s released recently Annual Report for 2014/2015.

To benchmark/compare your annual income – including all salaries, commissions, bonuses, part-time remuneration, director’s fees, rental income – simply enter your IRAS assessable income below and see how well you stack up against all resident taxpayers in Singapore:

If you make $150k yearly, you are at the 88.1th percentile. The same amount would place you at a slightly higher 88.3th percentile if you used last year’s version of this tool. See last year’s Compare Annual Income tool (2014).

To be in the top 10%, you need an annual income of $171k.

If you aspire to be in the top 5%, your annual income has to be $263k.

As usual, please note that residents earning $20k and below do not pay tax. Hence they are not included in the above comparison.

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Reference: IRAS Annual Report 2014/2015


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