The buy low sell high strategy makes so much perfect sense, it’s hard to understand why people are still flooding to buy stocks and property at this time. (Perhaps they want to buy high and sell higher.)
To make money, we should invest a couple years earlier, not now.
When you see undergraduates and housewives – who don’t normally do investing and stuff – actually dabbling into shares and peppering their conversations with their latest “investments”, it’s time to be very careful. Cash out, exit the market, realize your profits, and put your money in liquid savings accounts or short-term time deposits.
As a letter to today’s Straits Times forum puts it:
“Now is not the time to jump in aggressivey as the risks are increasing exponentially… You do not need to be a genius to make money in the markets. You need common sense, discipline and a clear long-term workable plan, without which the markets are like a hot fire and will burn fingers.”
Sell now. Let those “risk takers” buy from you.
However, you can still buy now if you think there are “greater fools” who will buy from you later.
As mentioned, the risks are there, and increasing.
Just don’t be the greatest fool.
I want to create my own sitting at home job. And the only way to do it, without fraud, is to create my own strategy.
And be my own Boss, Supervisor, and Coach. Know what I’m saying? and have an happy ending at last. Which is the mainstream that I am looking for.
I want to start buying homes, at little or no cost. And then fix them up and sell it at big prices, unless, it doesn’t need any repairs.Thats what I’m talking about. Know what I’m saying baby dog?
And I will maximize.With a coordinating schedule that never gets bogged down. Know what I’m saying baby dog?