Banking and Finance Jobs Preferred


Fresh graduates prefer to work in the banking and finance industry, according to the 2007 JobsFactory Employer of Choice Report.

More than 2,800 fresh graduates from NUS, NTU and SMU responded to the JobsFactory survey, which basically asked them 2 questions – 1 for private employers and the other for government-linked ones.

The survey respondent then ticked against the list of companies which he wants to vote for. Seems obvious to me that the more “branded” companies will get more votes – i.e. those with more marketing, more exposure, more news.

Out of the 19 top “Private Employers of Choice” ranked in the report, a whopping 11 hail from the banking and finance sector.

The following are the top 19 private employers (the boldfaced ones are finance-related):

  1. Citigroup
  2. Credit Suisse
  3. Deutsche Bank
  4. JP Morgan & Chase
  5. Singapore Airlines
  6. Barclays Capital Global Services
  7. Merrill Lynch
  8. ExxonMobil
  9. Shell
  10. Goldman Sachs
  11. 3M
  12. HSBC
  13. Google
  14. DBS Bank
  15. UBS AG
  16. Standard Chartered Bank
  17. Keppel Corporation
  18. Ritz Carlton Millenia
  19. General Electric (GE)

Even among government-related institutions, finance and investment-related employers get the top votes.

Temasek Holdings, Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), GIC Corporation and Economic Development Board (EDB) all ranked in the top 6 among “Top Government/Government-linked Employers of Choice”.

As for starting pay, 83.0% of the fresh graduates get an annual pay package of between $24,000 and $42,000. Not a lot in my opinion – $42k is just $2,800 x 15.

Now, what does this tell us about those forward-looking “official” graduate employment surveys from the 3 universities?


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  1. “$42k is just $2,800 x 15.”

    Why do you multiply by 15? Do you include 3 months bonus?

    Frankly, SGD 42k / 12 months = SGD3,500 is quite a good starting pay for a fresh grad.

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