According to our calculations, your citizenship is worth $4,511 more than permanent residents per year. For that, you have to serve NS if you are male, and watch some of your PR friends sell their HDBs for a good profit and then return to their (sometimes) cheaper home countries to enjoy retirement.
As a Singapore citizen, here’s what you enjoy (reference: ST, 24 Oct 2009 online link):
- Child birth. If you stay in a Class B2+ ward, you pay $475. For PR, it’s $506, which is $31 more. The average Singapore woman has about 1 child and will thus get the $10,000 baby bonus (we ignore the fact that she will have to split the bonus with her husband). Spread over 20 years of providing for the child, the baby bonus amounts to $500 per year. Total child birth benefit: $31 + $500 = $531/yr.
- Childcare subsidy. Singaporean working mum gets a $300/mth subsidy while PRs get nothing. Total childcare benefit: $3,600/yr.
- School fees. PRs pay $2,884 more than Singaporeans per child for the 16 years of education all the way to university. This is $180/yr.
- Marriage fees. Insignificant.
- Housing. Though PRs are not eligible to buy new flats, many Singaporeans also do not buy new flats. Since both citizens and PRs are eligible to buy resale flats, for ease of comparison, we will treat housing benefit as insignificant. [Added 1 Nov: Married citizens enjoy a $30k-$40k grant, while singles can get $11k-$20k. Spread over the long term of owning a home, say over 30 years, this is about $666/yr per person in addition to the $4,511 calculated previously, making a total of $5,177/yr. Thanks to the reader who highlighted this.]
- Health subsidies. Citizens get about 10% more subsidy than PRs. Assuming that an average citizen spends $20k over 10 years, this 10% difference amounts to $200/yr.
Grand total: $4,511 per year. Note that if you’re single, it would be just $200 per year.
No wonder the ST reporter Zakir Hussain said “the distinctions between citizens and PRs could not have been clearer.”
Do you think your citizenship should be worth a lot more?
I’m not sure why you are questioning the premium when this is the benchmark across other countries. Perhaps you can share your native country’s or other countries policies to attract talent. Undoubtably, there are good PRs that Singapore wants to retain, but flood gates have opened and we see all kinds of PRs.
Regulate rentals???? I can’t believe this. Can you put up a stronger argument? Both public and private apartments are already out of local’s reach and it’s partly due to the influx of PRs.
If PRs are complaining about the affordability of rentals, I question their contribution to Singapore as they are probably cheap labour anyway. Like you said, take it or leave it.
If you have gone through Singapore’s education from start, you would probably understand there are many areas for improvment. Let me position in another way. If the SG education system really meet your expectations, PRs will not have good jobs. Sometimes, the system is the barrier for citizens to get the job opportunities they desire.
PRs give too much credit to the policies and undermine the citizens. No surprises as system are indeed pro-non-citizens. Locals will know better.
wow, didnt know singaporeans are liabilities & being subsidized by PRs ???
with the wayang education fee increases, we better thank PRs for also subsidizing our education, medical, defence, civil order, & many others.
It’s a case of too little too late. Most believe that younger Singaporeans are politically apathetic and the older generations have given up. I don’t know. When you are pushed into a corner and against the wall there’s no other way out but to fight back. I’m eagerly waiting for the next GE to see what happens.
as i said, vote wisely.
now a minister has come out to apologise for lapses in healthcare planning. i wonder if this means he will take full responsibility, in a step towards more accountability. but this could be an election ploy, a tactic to test the waters to see what tactic works best.
as one can easily tell, they and the media are together fervently preparing for the next election. yesterday it’s triple the school fees for PR kids, today it’s an apology, tomorrow it will be more goodies.
don’t be tricked! if they win another easy majority, it gives them a signal that we are ok with what they have delivered. then it will be more foreigners, more upward “adjustment” of ministerial salaries, more GST, more investment losses, more once-in-50-years excuses and perhaps another mas selamat affair with no accountability and a simple too-bad-it-happened-what-to-do explanation.
“the true ft have come to genuinely add value, create jobs and further push up the salaries of locals, but these locals are already at the upper echelons. the high income earners make higher income.”
this will also push up the ministerial salary benchmark. haha 🙂
now i understand the ft strategy: get good ft to push up salaries at the top, but also get cheap ft to push down salaries at the bottom so singaporeans will be kept busy and have no time to complain! 🙂
Ok, i agree somewhat with what you say. Actually, there is some merit. Singaporeans should be given priority in certain things like medical, education, etc. But, Singaporeans should treat foreigners with respect and not exploit the poor ones. That will be good.
I am actually quite privileged and well educated. My wife and I earn well. We have been foreigners as students, workers as PR, and are eligible for citizenship too. I never
looked at Singapore from money point of view. I simply like the place. Only recently, I started to read Straits Times to learn more about Singapore and I noticed this divide.
I am glad I did not know about this when I was studying here.
I hope the govt can do something to make all groups happy. I hope Singapore turns into the utopia I was thinking it was in the last few years.
Good luck then to all
Likewise, PRs and foreigners should treat Singaporeans with more respect and not just take things for granted because the policy supports this. No matter how privileged or well-educated PRs are, calling Singaporeans “liability” and undermining citizens in SG forums go to show how ignorant and disrespectful some PRs are. Imagine how you will feel in your own native country if your expats express the same attitude towards you.
Citizens will welcome you and integrate you as part of their lives if you display the right attitude. Things were better in the past when the optimal amount of foriegn talents are here. Everyone was indeed happier. The issue is when we have too many PRs and foreigners in such a short period, the quality declines and things are not in control…
cynic2 and middleclass,
I considered one of the younger singaporeans, <30. I wished I could vote but it seems it may not happen in my lifetime.
But at least I can express my views in forums like these. Given the current changes in policies, I'm positive that my views (together with many thousands Singaporeans) are heard by the ministries. We'll see how things change for the better.
isit: i would like to believe that Singaporeans are among the most open and inclusive society as we believe in meritocracy. Personally I have nothing against foreign talents who come to Singapore and contribute. However I have everything against the carelessly open import of cheap labours that is just another excuse of getting slave labors or as you put it yourself – exploiting the poor ones. Actually you should care just as much if you take the long term view and genuinely wants to take up Singaporean citizenship. How would your children end up if the tables are turn? Maybe then you would understand?
isit2: Status quo usually don’t change unless there’s a push factor or until enough people stand up and say enough is enough. Nobody is going to rock the boat other than the people overboard.
What we have learnt from the past is that there will be cosmetic work to touch up the pig when an election is near after which things just gets continue to stink as badly.
I’m already planning for my kids’ future. Send them overseas to study and get citizenships. Then maybe they can come back to Singapore and work as FTs. Singapore as it is now is really just a transit hotel and a big business park. Somewhere along the line we have ceased to be a nation when GDP and ruthless efficiency became more important than it’s people.
middleclass: that sums up pretty nicely. thank you.
i remember they were using 6.5M as a “planning parameter”. if citizens remain at 3.2M, it will be just about right to squeeze citizens into the minority! 3.3M foreign-born vs 3.2M citizens. nice!
well, if the immigrants are “hungry” and up for a fight with the locals, that’s good.
Somehow, I don’t see as many as described by lky. A significant lot are lazy, are here to get as much benefit and then retire in their native land. Lack of quality control, so many sub-par immigrants are crowding here.
having lazy FTs in our midst is not necessary a bad thing. This will make the locals relatively more productive & in demand.
Can you imagine what will happen if just 1million of the top Chinese or Indians are to arrive in SG to compete for our jobs?
You get to buy landed property when you are citizen! That is worth tons in the long run!!
FTs: we welcome them with open arms; they rent our condos and give us good investment yield. Life is GOOD!
I am a GEP student.
I am 11 years old.
I believe that some Singaporeans are naturally more intelligent that some PRs that are in Singapore. As ZYY has said up there, the Government only took about 2-3 months to respond to her request to be a PR.
If you compare the average Singaporean pay to the average PR pay, the PR pay will be higher.
A simple reason – Singapore only accepts the more “intelligent” and the more likely to contribute to Singapore’s economy (etc.).
But if you compare the “lower” half of the PR’s mother country and Singapore’s “lower” half, Singapore will be the one that is more “intelligent”.
This is just me expressing my opinion.
school (gep / not) is really nothing & useless. see pap. how do u know Singapore only accepts the more “intelligent” ? you already say the Government only took about 2-3 months to respond to her request to be a PR. Is Singapore Government intelligent or stupid ? think again.
The government is not stupid. It’s the citizens who are stupid to give them a blank cheque “mandate”. The government merely deliver on the mandate given.
Dear 11 year old GEP student,
What is GEP?
I half suspected it refers to the Gifted Elective Programme. My question is, why identify onself as a GEP student? Does it have a bearing on the post? That said, I must commend the writer for being so well-read and familiar with current issues at such a young age.
Yaya lor. What else.
Highly doubt GEP = gifted elective programme.
If he can get into GEP with that level of grammar, the government is truly stupid.
standards are dropping cos spurs are not stuck in their hide. need more competition from foreign students.
true, but with so many crying foul even at current level,do you really think the trend can persist
target is 6.5million. always remember. our excellent leaders aren’t afraid of pushing ahead with tough policies that are beneficial in the long run.
To def
you truly speak like colonial minions that so richly deserve to be despised & trampled on.
yes, let’s see how our most competent & highly paid Singapore Government has sort out all the problems created with the 2 million increase in the last few years & Singapore can go on to have the 6.5 million population.
UK has 60 million people and they can’t cope with a 2 million increase (a mere 3% increase). What makes you think SG can cope with a 50-60% increase? You mean being highest paid in the world guarantees the impossible can be done? Look the track record of how many miracles they have performed after being paid so much. You pay peanuts you get monkeys, you pay millions what do you get?
“You pay peanuts you get monkeys, you pay millions what do you get?”
Hmmm, millions of monkeys? LOL
Since peanuts = very few S$, and monkeys = very/relatively few monkeys; so, millions of peanuts should get us millions of monkeys, I think! LOL
But in Singapore’s case, those millions of “monkeys” are the millions (or at least 2 or 3 million) of Singapore citizens who gave its government the power to pay its Ministers millions of S$ every year!
Maybe that was not why the PAP was voted into power, but the PAP was voted into power anyway, and has been voted into power for the past half-century; so since they’re so powerful, obviously there’s nothing that these millions of “monkeys” can do to stop its Ministers from being paid millions of S$ every year!
This is just simple cause and effect, isn’t it? LOL
def, you are a joke !
My first job before NS, I earned closed to $800 per month. When I served national service, I only earned $135. $665 less per month. or $7980 per year (assuming the additional increment pay coverred by the bonuses). It makes me wonder isn’t it better to be a foreigner than a Singaporean guy. It’s about time the government make it fairer for both sexes and make them also serve national service so that people would do rather than outsource and arrow people and take other people’s credits. We have evolved to the stage whereby some are even spoilt as to say train the husband to cook and change diapers first so that they could push the dont like to do things to others.