All civil servants will only be getting the usual 13th month bonus this year end, according to this PSD press release. There will not be any AVC bonus payment, unlike in previous years.
Around 2,400 civil servants in Grades III to V of the Operations Support Scheme (OSS) will .. receive a one-time lump sum payment of $1,200.
The Government will continue to pay the Non-Pensionable Annual Allowance (NPAA – 13th month bonus) of 1 month to all civil servants.
The “13th month” Non-Pensionable Annual Allowance (NPAA), previously known as AWS, will be paid in December.
Junior civil servants in Grades III to V of the Operations Support Scheme (OSS) will receive a one-time lump sum payment of $1,200 in keeping with the recommendations of the National Wages Council (NWC) to uplift lower-wage workers.
If you include this year’s mid-year bonus of 0 month, all civil servants will be getting a total guaranteed bonus of 1 month for the entire 2020, excluding performance and other additional bonuses. (We understand that some civil servants can additionally receive up to 2-3 months of performance bonus, typically awarded in March. This means they may get up to 4 months of bonuses in total. Check out this Forums discussion thread.)
This year’s total bonus (excluding performance bonus) is 0.55 month less than last year’s AVC + NPAA, which in turn was 0.95 month less than 2018’s total bonus of 2.5 months.