Hong Kong’s MPF and Australia’s MySuper are designed as retirement funds while Singapore’s CPF and Malaysia’s EPF allow parts of it to be used for Housing. In Singapore’s case, it can also be used for Healthcare and Education. Singapore’s CPF also allows for members to invest their funds through the CPF Investment Scheme (CPFIS). With this flexibility, CPF members invest their CPF savings in various instruments such as insurance products, unit trusts, fixed deposits, bonds and shares.
Contribution rates for Singapore’s CPF vary according to age group. With NTUC lobbying to increase CPF contributions, it was announced in Budget 2014 that employer CPF contribution rates will be increased by 1% for employees below 50 years old from January 2015.
Here’s a comparison chart of the four funds compiled on 1st July 2014.
Did you know?
There are two contribution limits to your CPF; a monthly CPF contribution limit of SGD 1,800 and an annual limit of S$30,600 for both employer and employee contributions.
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