Car Prices in Singapore


Cars are expensive in Singapore. The most expensive by most studies. In fact, more than twice as expensive as the runner-up according to one particular report.

In a recent report done by Yahoo!, Singapore ranks 1st in the Toyota Corolla Global Price Index, which is definitely indicative of the general car prices here.

Yahoo! compared the prices of Toyota Corolla Altis in various countries around the world, using similar variants of the Altis model as far as possible.

We sorted the prices and found, to our horror, that the cost of Singapore’s Altis is a whopping 270% that of the second-placed Cuba! With the same amount of money, you can buy 6 similar cars in USA or Japan.

Here’s the car prices ranking table:

  1. Singapore – $135,988
  2. Cuba – $50,440
  3. Nigeria – $46,110
  4. Indonesia – $45,510
  5. Brazil – $45,388
  6. Malaysia – $43,954
  7. Germany – $38,950
  8. Thailand – $32,147
  9. South Africa – $30,303
  10. Taiwan – $30,247
  11. Australia – $30,144
  12. China – $28,583
  13. USA – $22,963
  14. Japan – $20,741

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See also our previous article on “High” COE prices. (It’s much higher now.)


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