Compare Your Annual Income 2009


The most accurate (arguably) income comparison tool on the island has been updated.

Once again, we take the data points from the latest Iras Annual Report 2008/2009 and produce the following tool that stack you up against all resident taxpayers.

In our view, the data from the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore is much more comprehensive than data from elsewhere, not least because Iras has direct access to your auto-inclusion employers, CPF, CDP, properties, donations and what-have-you (all of which are probably used to verify and double confirm what you declare, if you need to declare anything at all).

Without further ado, enter your annual income for YA2009 and see how well you rank against all resident taxpayers in Singapore:

As you can tell, if you earn the same income as last year, you would have dropped a few notches. A $100,000 income would put you at the 81.4th percentile last year, but the same amount will only earn you a 79.9th percentile placing this year.


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  1. Thanks for this. But note that we are only comparing with income earners, particularly those who are paying taxes. As I understand it, there are 2 segments not included – those who don’t earn enough to be taxed and those who are too rich to work for an income (they are only taxed on their rental and dividend incomes, so it’s not particularly representative).

  2. Because our government did a great job saving jobs in the worst recession in Singapore’s history. They did it so well that people don’t feel it’s a recession at all – just look at the home prices and condo showrooms. Heck, even COE prices are increasing.

    So, let us all upskill, reskill and multiskill ourselves to do things Faster, Cheaper and Better (FCB). Is it FCB or CBF? 🙂

  3. i guess if you include commissions when you file taxes, then it’s inclusive.

    for most people, annual income is just gross pay.

    for others, annual income = gross pay + commissions + rental income + dividends…

  4. Hi,

    This is Vinay from India,I want to know about Salary stucture what to be for a mechanical engineer in SINGAPORE.Suppose a Singapore company has offered a post for mechanical engineer at shipyard.

    please advice me expexction salary and cost of living of the city .



  5. Mechanical engineering doesn’t have much prospect in Singapore. Fresher gets $3K, which you will not have much savings given the cost of living. Expect increment to be low. The sector is cyclical, so there is no job security.

  6. why must the website ask for a name on

    many engineers, mechanical alike, can’t even find a job

    so if u take the top 25th percentile of current mechanical engineers earning X amount

    the actual top 25th percentile of mechanical engineers GRADUATES would be surviving with less than X amount, as many have already left the industry due to retrenchment or outlook of poor prospects*

    *assuming post retrenchment or other job opportunities have nth to do with ur interest (mechanical engineering) or have poorer salaries

  7. I thought the economy is now doing exceedingly well? The labour market is ‘tight’ and there’s a shortage of talent. Companies are willing to offer attractive packages to hire the best. So even if these ME engineers lost their jobs years ago, they would have found better paying jobs during these 2 booming years. Anyone who’s been following the mainstream news will know this.

  8. *haiz* cant believe in this age, we still have ppl who are following mainstream news.

    pls note there is also a 3rd segment, the underdeclared tx segment.

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