In the Business Times about 2 weeks ago was a report from HRBS Solutions comparing the income of Singapore managers working locally and their counterparts working abroad.
What’s informative in the BT article are the numbers.
The article lists the “annual fixed cash + perks” of the various levels of managers working in Singapore:
- Manager – US$77,141
- Senior Manager – US$114,021
- Director – US$165,704
- VP – US$240,096
- Senior VP & above – US$343,419
So, if your boss promotes you to a VP, ask for US$240,096.
These titles can be misleading. In some investment banks I’ve worked for, Director is a level above VP. (it goes thus: AVP -> VP -> Director -> MD).
Even more confusingly, I’ve worked in an investment bank where the bands are named like this: Executive -> Manager -> Associate Director -> Director -> Managing Director.
I think a more interesting discussion is how to break through the VP/Associate Director level and become a Director. Because this is where you have to go Global (as in your candidacy for directorship has to be presented and agreed upon on a Global level).
US Manufacturing MNCs follow the order stated in Business Times.
Local banks in Singapore use the AVP position for a role that is equivalent to a team leader – so you see a lot of AVPs strutting proudly around. Example – Call Centre Manager = VP, Team Leader = AVP.
You should see their faces when they exchange namecards with you!
Well VP does sound nice 🙂 And some VP are really doing pretty impressive things at the global level. (I’m talking about foreign banks though.)
And AVP does sound nicer than “Senior Software Engineer”…
Yes it does but the title should be reflective of the responsibilities you carry out for your role. If you are a supervisor, then you may call yourself a team leader or group leader instead of AVP 😉
Great discussions.
High Position: Agree !! I have seen their cocky looks. Big Deal leh
Well the title is bestowed upon you by the company. So just enjoy it while you can eh? It’s not like you can ask the bank to change your namecard to say “team lead” or “group lead” instead of AVP.
From what I’ve gathered I have a feeling the title AVP comes with more $ than team leads too… I know of AVPs who make more than so called “Director of X” in other non-financial companies.
AVP, VP in only a title lah, especially in local banks’ IT dept, end of the day, AVP is only programmer and VP a team lead and from experience, VP can be more than AVP as more AVP work is outsourced or performed by contract or is entry level. In late 90s, AVP really big deal (only reserve for those with rooms for foreign banks)but now, haizzz, don’t ever get conned by the title, Salary is more important.
agreed – S eleven is no. 1
About the cocky looks from the comments above… well, that’s tough. If somebody looks at you already with the preconceived notion that “you’re a VP at a bank and therefore you must be cocky although you’re just a team lead”, then there’s nothing you can do to counter that perception right? You’re basically doomed already no matter what you do.
You smile while handing him your card = you’re arrogant.
You walk upright around the room cos you’re happy = you’re cocky.
You talk to a lot of people to network = cheh, so proud, he VP onli! No big deal!
Warrao! Then what are you supposed to do if you’re a VP? Tell those ppl you have no name cards? Attempt to look apologetic that you’re a VP? Cannot right?
The best is like I said lor, just enjoy and dun care what people think lah. Or work the ass off to become Director as soon as possible, lol.