Credit Card Promoter Makes 20k to 30k a Month


In the Sunday Times cover story, it is mentioned that a credit card promoter made $20,000 to $30,000 a month.

And that was in 2003, when the economy wasn’t so good and SARS (remember?) plagued the country. And she was only a 24-year-old business graduate at that time.

“I thought making money was so easy,” she said.

The story did not have a good ending. She made a silly move by switching to another bank to sell investment products. The new job didn’t suit her and she couldn’t sell enough to even earn a commission.

Despite the huge reduction in income, she continued her frivolous spending habit, chalking up huge credit card debts.

She is still servicing her debts today. Half of her current $3,000 salary goes to repaying the banks.

Selling credit cards made her rich. Using credit cards made her poor.

Well, we learn something from this story: Working in a sales position, especially one in a bank, can be very financially rewarding.

Next time someone sells you a credit card, ask “are you making $30,000 a month?”  🙂


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  1. Wow, her earning is much better than a lot a SME’s CEO pay. If the earning is so good, she should has gone back to promote credit card sale, she may even earn as high as the minister………..

  2. seriously very doubtful that it is 20k to 30k per month. that’s because credit card promoter’s comissions are not really very high. Each card you promote is around 8 to 10 dollars. You gotta promote like 2500+ cards per month. Suppose if each person signs up like 1-3 cards. that will be around 40 persons per working day!

  3. Actually I believe anything is possible. She cld really have earned 20k to 30k per month, but maybe not consistently every month. If she can earn 30k a month, surely it cld be possible she earns less than 2k a month sometimes. Furthermore, it may not be worth it in the long-term.

  4. I doubt the article is true. Journalist like to sensationalize story sometimes, and maybe even made up the character and plot just to make their stories interesting.

  5. That is true – when I was in MLM last time and got interviewed they out my salary at 10K a month though i was only earning 3-4K on average – i merely told them my highest monthly salary was close to 10K, and they generalized as 10K a month, probably to cause stir among the public.

    Hence I don’t disagree with Ray.

  6. its definitely true, i have friends working in this line and they are earning approximately 10K, all of them own cars and they drive around to collect applications form from customer…

  7. its not hard to get in, its just that you wont get career advancement and its hard to switch job when you are sick and tired of it,given that you dont learn much skills in this job,furthermore you got to work on every weekends…remember the girl in the article who now only earns abt 3k a month..

    i only want to hightlight that the article is true…how you all want to view this ppl will have to depends to individual…

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