Work-life balance more important: Survey


A survey done by recruitment consultancy Robert Walters found that a flexible work-life balance is more important to Singaporeans than high pay, reported the Business Times today.

Next in importance is transparency in career progression.

Apparently, high income does not matter much.

This is a rather surprising finding, considering the recent media coverage of people from all walks of life – ministers, administrative service officers, civil servants, pilots, teachers, hawkers, fresh graduates, and many others –  all benchmarking, showcasing (or is it showing off), comparing, and/or haggling for more and more pay.

So, have you benchmarked your income today?


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  1. It is easy to say work-life balance is more important than pay during a survey, but it means nothing. It is just a better answer. More appropriate is to ask people to list down when they have made a choice in favor of work-life balance rather than higher pay. (Take a pay cut, let go a promotion, etc)

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