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How is the teaching life in ITE? And what is the increment each year? Anyone can help to advise?
Chances of a Diploma student entering a local university (NUS,NTU,SMU) and the competition faced from A level students in both further studies and career prospects. [I’m currently pursing a diploma in marketing]
chances of 3d animation in singapore?
salary level of a senior animator ?
minimum salary level sufficient to meet the cost of living and to obtain a safe savings ?
governments policies and views about animation and 3d graphics ?
nemo, you won’t starve if you’re gainfully employed as an animator, but neither will you be rich.
Government seems to be pushing for interactive multimedia, but so far I do not see many major successes produced locally. If you lurk around this site, you’ll learn that people here generally agree that technical talent is not highly valued in Singapore. If you wanna be rich as an employee, try targeting the financial sector.
Retirement planning is a huge topic of discussion and an equally large industry. What I would like to know is what do Singapore residents feel is sufficient to live on for retirement? Let’s assume a retirement age of 55 because in the corporate world, its not easy to “survive” beyond that age.
In this increasingly globalised world, inflation is transmitted almost instantaneously and no country is immune, hence one should provide for global cost of living, especially in a country like Singapore. If one buys this argument, protecting against inflation should be the primary goal of all investment plans followed by growing it.
There are 2 ways of looking at how to finance your retirement besides the various financial instruments purchased to hedge agst risks e.g. medical and hospitalisation insurance, etc. One can finance your retirement by drawing down on your savings over time. Alternatively, one can finance one’s retirement by the returns or cashflow from one’s savings (which need to be carefully invested).
Obviously, the second route is preferred since that would almost guarantee that you will never run out of funds if you spend within your cashflow and your investments are diversified across “safer” asset classes.
What amount of savings do you think is sufficient to finance your retirement lifestyle? What would you regard would be a reasonable and acceptable rate of return on your investments?
Does anybody know what is the salary levels of senior military officers say major, ltc, colonel, generals?
Hi, how about providing a topic on which banks provide the best interest rates?
Hi, how much does a vet or vet technician earn? How much does a psychologist earn? Thanks.
Nothing seems to be easier than seeing someone whom you can help but not helping.
I suggest we start giving it a try. Give love to the ones that need it.
God will appreciate it.
Hi all, may i know how much psychologist will be paid in singapore?
and how sould i propose the salary range?
Hi all,
Let me introduce my name first. My name is Andi, 25 years old, and I have just completed my master and professional program, majoring on Adult Clinical psychology and Industrial and Organizational Psychology on the minor. I have just completed my work contract as Human Resources Support Commercial at Schneider Electric Indonesia with main job description to perform Sales Competency Developmental for Internal Training Program. At the same time, I have also carried out several jobs, such as Psychologist Freelancer at PT. Duta Pelita Insani, and as Master of Ceremony (host) in a number of events.
I have held my Permanent Residence (Landed) since April 2009, and stay near Bishan.
I am looking for a job, probably in Psychology area (it could be Psychologist, Human Resources, Organizational Development, Counselor, and or Social Worker.
Is there any vacancies for me?
Thanks before.
Could anyone furnish me with information of the average salary of a clinical psychologist (M.A.) in singapore?
How is the job prospect of clinical psychologist in Singapore?
Thank you !